Phylogenetic summary of protein families

This page provides a summary of the Ensembl phylogenetic analysis of protein families. The following views are available:

Gene tree coverage and Gene QC (per species)

Quick links: Primates, Rodents etc.

Favourite species

Species# Genes# Genes in a tree# Orphaned genes# Genes in a single-species tree# Genes in a multi-species treeCoverage# species-specific duplications# Split genes# short genes# Long genesGene QC
Human (Homo sapiens)1985619678178519673
Mouse (Mus musculus reference (CL57BL6) strain)220292196663421962


Species# Genes# Genes in a tree# Orphaned genes# Genes in a single-species tree# Genes in a multi-species treeCoverage# species-specific duplications# Split genes# short genes# Long genesGene QC
Human (Homo sapiens)1985619678178519673

Rodents etc.

Species# Genes# Genes in a tree# Orphaned genes# Genes in a single-species tree# Genes in a multi-species treeCoverage# species-specific duplications# Split genes# short genes# Long genesGene QC
Mouse (Mus musculus reference (CL57BL6) strain)220292196663421962
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